Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Gets October Release Date, Dance-Filled Trailer
A new trailer for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel released today has revealed the game's release date of October 14. More importantly, it contains a healthy amount of moon dancing.
The dubstep-laced trailer provides a look at the game in action, showing us new environments, new enemies, an argyle-skinned weapon, and--if you look carefully--some of the skills two of the new classes have at their disposal. Halfway through, the trailer pauses for a "moon dance break," which 2K says it worked on with Dance Central maker Harmonix in order to best the Claptrap dance routine from Borderlands 2's "Doomsday" trailer.
Along with the release date, 2K announced the bonus meant to entice you to preorder the Pre-Sequel: the Shock Drop Slaughter Pit. No details were offered on this save for what's in the image to the right. It reads, "Enter the Shock Drop Slaughter Pit and face off against the toughest Scavs on Pandora's moon, Elpis! Survive the battle and you'll be feared and respected by the few left alive… not to mention the experience and gear you'll earn!"
The Pre-Sequel, as the name suggests, is set before Borderlands 2, the best-selling game in 2K Games history. Unfortunately for those itching to see what the series will be like on next-gen hardware, it will only be available on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. Its price has yet to be announced, because its scope has not been determined--Gearbox Software (which is co-developing the game with 2K Australia) president Randy Pitchford has said it may end up being somewhere between the original Borderlands and Borderlands 2.
For more on The Pre-Sequel ahead of E3 next week, check out GameSpot's preview.
Chris Pereira is a freelance writer for GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheSmokingManX |
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