Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Trailer Sets up the Story, Offers a Glimpse of Multiplayer

The newest trailer for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare was released by Activision today, and this one focuses on the story of the game's campaign mode.

After opening up with an Abraham Lincoln quote about testing someone's character by giving him or her power, a voice explains the details of "the first global terrorist attack in history." This sends the "world into chaos," and with the United States government and military "crippled," the country turns to a private military company, Atlas. This is the company run by Jonathan Irons, the character played by actor Kevin Spacey.

We see how Atlas is given a tremendous amount of power, resulting in Irons arguing that Atlas can take military action without the consent of Congress--which later in the trailer leads to the phrase "power changes everything."

At the end of the video, we get a brief look at the game's multiplayer component before it's teased that the multiplayer world premiere is coming on August 11. Little about the multiplayer mode is known, but we have heard it will include the future tech featured so prominently in Advanced Warfare's campaign.

What do you make of the new trailer? Do you, like me, suddenly find yourself much more interested in the game? Let us know in the comments.

Chris Pereira is a freelance writer for GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheSmokingManX
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