Castlevania Producer Quits Konami After 17 Years
If there is to be another Castlevania title from Konami, veteran producer Dave Cox won't be a part of it. He announced on Twitter today that, after 17 years with the company, he is leaving to "explore new opportunities." Today, August 29, was his final day at the company.

Cox joined Konami in 1997 as a product manager, and the first game he worked on was Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. His credits also include various titles in some of Konami's biggest franchises, including Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, Pro Evolution Soccer, Suikoden, and Dancing Stage.
Most recently, Cox produced this year's Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, developed by Spanish studio Mercury Steam. That developer has moved on to a brand new IP for current-generation consoles, making the future of the Castlevania series unclear.
"I want to thank Konami for the opportunity and all those people who supported me and the team on our journey," he said. "So what's next? Something I've wanted to do for a long time... Gonna take a break and then tell you all about it!"
Eddie Makuch is a news editor at GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch
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