Minecraft screenshot comparison pits Xbox One vs. PS4
New screenshots of the next-gen versions of Minecraft show that the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions look incredibly similar, although both sport improved draw distances over their PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 counterparts.
4J Studios, the developer responsible for the consoles versions of Minecraft, tweeted out a series of screenshots today, primarily as a means for demonstrating "the view distance increase [it's] currently working on." None of the four versions lets you see especially far, but the improvement in the Xbox One and PS4 versions certainly help to downplay the feeling that the world suddenly ends.

The developer recently announced that, "due to save size limits," the new console versions of Minecraft would not feature infinite worlds. It provided an update on that front today with some encouraging news, tweeting, "We're currently trying out a world size increase of 36 times the area of the Xbox 360/PS3 world." While still not as large as some players would hope, it does provide a sizable area to work with.
Neither the PS4 nor the Xbox One version of Minecraft has been given a release date. A release for the Xbox One version was recently said to be close to being finalized, while the PS4 version is, along with the Vita version, expected out no later than September. Both the PS4 and Xbox One versions will allow for save files from the PS3 and 360 versions, respectively, to carry over.

Chris Pereira is a freelance writer for GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheSmokingManX |
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