CS: GO 28th May Patch –- Content Analysis

Front-End Changes




    • Blocked long sightline from back of Bombsite B
    • No longer possible to plant on top of hut at bombsite A
    • Made statue base at bombsite B taller, so players can't peek over
    • Made hut on bombsite B catwalk wider
    • Moved all T spawns to upper level
    • Decreased fog
    • Removed small tree near platform in mid
    • Pushed down some vegetation that players could hide in
    • Disabled collision on small rocks
    • Blocked visibility through cart in mid
    • Revised cover in Bombsite B courtyard


    • Redesigned the connector between canal and park
    • Made tunnels under Bombsite A easier to navigate
    • Added lights to hut near Bombsite A


  • Matches in which a whole team gets disconnected will no longer terminate, and the disconnected players will get the opportunity to reconnect and finish the match.
  • Added a new context menu option 'Use With Trade Up Contract,' which will be visible when you own 10 or more items of the same quality.
  • Weapons can no longer be deleted from the inventory.
  • Added a game setting for twitch.tv streamers to allow back-end integration with new twitch.tv directory.
  • Added back-end integration with Steam Community for better inventory filtering and Steam Community Market search.
  • Added support for per-channel rate limits in engine threaded network layer, rate limits are controlled with a group of net_threaded_socket convars.
  • Fixed pistol round achievements to award player progress in the pistol round of the second half in competitive matches.
  • Fixed several rare crashes on clients and servers.
  • Fixed a problem in tournament round backups when players had invalid characters in their names.

Overpass Updates

CS: GO 28th May Patch –- Content Analysis

Behind CT Spawn - door and light textures had their reflectiveness toned down.

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Tunnels Under Bomb Site A - modification to the tunnel to make the pathway more open and easier to navigate for the player.

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Tunnels Under Bomb Site A - closer angle of the modified tunnel.

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Tunnels Under Bomb Site A - a different perspective over the balcony looking toward the tunnel.

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Bomb Site A - additional lights have been placed in the small building next to the bomb site.

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Connector Between Canal + Park - the connector between these locations has been redesigned.

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Connector Between Canal + Park - this pathway has been closed off completely.

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Connector Between Canal + Park - look inside of the redesigned connector's layout.

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Connector Between Canal + Park - from a different angle.

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Connector Between Canal + Park - door and fan textures had their reflectiveness toned down in the stairway to the park.

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Connector Between Canal + Park - a huge pipe has been added to the hallway located in the connector, with other minor changes.

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Entrance of the Connector - a wood plank has been added to cover the small pipes leading to bomb site B.

Cobblestone Updates

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CT Spawn - stone walls have been added to the archways.

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CT Spawn - a different perspective showing the added stone wall and including the bomb site's higher wall.

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Bomb Site B - the site and courtyard has been redesigned.

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Bomb Site B - a different perspective.

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Bomb Site B - a different perspective.

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Bomb Site B - connector leading toward T spawn has been modified.

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Bomb Site B - the boxes added and bench have been removed from outside the connector.

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Connector Stairway - the fog from inside the castle has been removed and a ledge has been added at the top of the stairs.

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T Spawn Connector to B - the bench has been removed and a few textures have been retouched.

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T Spawn - the sun's position has been changed on the map which changes how all the shadows display.

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T Spawn - another view of T spawn, showcasing the different shadows.

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Main Courtyard - a look at the new shadow locations.

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Main Courtyard - the tree has been removed.

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Connector of Mid to A - a look at the new shadow locations.

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Bomb Site A - a look at the new shadow locations.

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Bomb Site A - a look at the new shadow locations.

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Bomb Site A - vegetation has been removed from the bomb site.

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Bomb Site A - paint has been applied to the wall next to the bomb site and the rock has been removed.

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Connector Between Bomb Sites - modifications have been made to the stairway room.

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Connector Between Bomb Sites - another view looking toward the stairway room.

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Main Courtyard - cover has been added to the cart and the vegetation has been removed.

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Main Courtyard - collision on all the small rocks has been disabled.

New Competitive Cooldown

A cooldown has been added when you take place in kicking too many teammates during matchmaking.

CS: GO 28th May Patch –- Content Analysis

Cases Can Be Deleted

The option for players to delete their cases has been added to the client. Before, it was only possible to sell them on the market, or they would just take up space.

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Weapons No Longer Deletable from Inventory

There was a possible bug where the option of deleting the weapon from the inventory would appear. It is supposed to only appear on the skins now.

CS: GO 28th May Patch –- Content Analysis

Added Twitch.tv Support

CS:GO's and Steam's API can now interact and share details to Twitch.tv to sort your stream in their directory by either map or skill. The options are available for you to disable this feature all the time, or share it in the way your steam status appears.

CS: GO 28th May Patch –- Content Analysis

CS: GO 28th May Patch –- Content Analysis

Back-End Changes

Version Released

ClientVersion = 114

ServerVersion = 114

PatchVersion =

Inventory Panel GUI Changes

The SWF file for the inventory panel had changes made.

  • The following image shows the contents of the SWF file running at the same time.
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  • The following images show all of the shapes in the GUI that have been modified, either by alternative data or a different position located on the GUI.
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CS: GO 28th May Patch –- Content Analysis
  • Additions to the Action Script for new situations were placed in the Inventory Panel.

if (!objTargetTile.IsTool() && objTargetTile.GetSlotID() != "flair0" && objTargetTile.GetSlotID() != "musickit")


if (_global.CScaleformComponent_Inventory.CanTradeUp(m_PlayerXuid, objTargetTile._ItemID))




} // end if

} // end if


function OpenTradeUpRecipeWithItemSelected(ItemId)


var _loc3 = _global.CScaleformComponent_Inventory.GetTradeUpContractItemID();




} // End of the function




case "tradeup":



Updated Strings

String updates relate to the changes made to the matchmaking system in the event the whole team disconnects. The match will no longer be terminated.

  • Location of these text strings are represented in the CSGO_English.txt - These will be translated to other languages in future patches

- "SFUI_CooldownExplanationReason_KickedTooMuch" "You were kicked from too many matches"

+ "SFUI_CooldownExplanationReason_KickedTooMuch" "You were kicked from too many recent matches"

+ "SFUI_CooldownExplanationReason_KickAbuse" "You have kicked too many teammates in recent matches"

Strings added show the back-end of the settings menu, Twitch.tv broadcast features and game options.

  • Location of these text strings are represented in the CSGO_English.txt - These will be translated to other languages in future patches

+ "GameUI_Category_AccountPrivacySettings" "TWITCH.TV CONNECTION"

+ "SFUI_Settings_AccountPrivacy_Profile" "CS:GO Profile Sharing"

+ "SFUI_Settings_AccountPrivacy_Profile_Info" "CS:GO Profile Sharing controls whether your connected twitch.tv account can access your CS:GO profile information including your competitive Skill Group. By default access is allowed when your Steam Community profile status is Public, but you can explicity share or disable it."

+ "SFUI_Settings_AccountPrivacy_Profile_valDefault" "Use my Steam Profile Status"

+ "SFUI_Settings_AccountPrivacy_Profile_valEnabled" "Always Shared"

+ "SFUI_Settings_AccountPrivacy_Profile_valDisabled" "Disabled"

  • Location of these text strings are represented in the game_options.txt - These will be translated to other languages in future patches



"name" ""

"convar" ""

"priority" "1248"

"type" "category"




"name" "#GameUI_Category_AccountPrivacySettings"

"convar" ""

"priority" "1249"

"type" "category"


"Account Privacy Profile"


"name" "#SFUI_Settings_AccountPrivacy_Profile"

"convar" "cl_accountprivacysetting1"

"priority" "1250"

"tooltip" "#SFUI_Settings_AccountPrivacy_Profile_Info"

"type" "dropdown"



"#SFUI_Settings_AccountPrivacy_Profile_valDefault" "1"

"#SFUI_Settings_AccountPrivacy_Profile_valEnabled" "3"

"#SFUI_Settings_AccountPrivacy_Profile_valDisabled" "2"





"name" ""

"convar" ""

"priority" "1438"

"type" "category"




"name" ""

"convar" ""

"priority" "1439"

"type" "category"



String added in the back-end - "Weapon" has been given its own category under item type.

  • Location of these text strings are represented in the CSGO_English.txt - These will be translated to other languages in future patches

// Item types

+ "CSGO_Type_Weapon" "Weapon"

Strings added show that Name Tags, Keys, and Gifts were given their own category tags for classification.

  • Location of these text strings are represented in the CSGO_English.txt - These will be translated to other languages in future patches

+ "CSGO_Tool_Name_TagTag" "Tag"

+ "CSGO_Tool_WeaponCase_KeyTag" "Key"

+ "CSGO_Tool_GiftTag" "Gift"

  • Location of these text strings are represented in the items_game.txt - These will be translated to other languages in future patches

Items put in there own categories now:

Name Tag

+ "item_type_name" "#CSGO_Tool_Name_TagTag"


+ "item_type_name" "#CSGO_Tool_Sticker"

Added 3 times for the gift options (Gift 1, Gift 9, Gift 25 Spectators)

+ "item_type_name" "#CSGO_Tool_GiftTag"

Strings added show new tool tips in the inventory menu for cosmetics to the weapons when presented.

  • Location of these text strings are represented in the CSGO_English.txt - These will be translated to other languages in future patches

+ "SFUI_InvTooltip_SetTag" "Collection"

+ "SFUI_InvTooltip_WearTag" "Exterior"

+ "SFUI_InvTooltip_Wear_Amount_NA" "Not Painted"

String add a notification of the new availability of the trade up contract changes.

  • Location of these text strings are represented in the CSGO_English.txt - These will be translated to other languages in future patches

+ "SFUI_InvContextMenu_tradeup" "Use With Trade Up Contract"

Strings give the option for weapon cases to be deleted.

  • Location of these text strings are represented in the items_game.txt - These will be translated to other languages in future patches



"prefab" "weapon_case_base"

"associated_item" "1203"

+ "capabilities"

+ {

+ "can_delete" "1"

+ }


String added gives weapon's case key a identification type.

  • Location of these text strings are represented in the items_game.txt - These will be translated to other languages in future patches



"prefab" "csgo_tool"

"item_name" "#CSGO_Tool_WeaponCase_Key"

+ "item_type_name" "#CSGO_Tool_WeaponCase_KeyTag"

"item_description" "#CSGO_Tool_WeaponCase_Key_Desc"

"image_inventory" "econ/tools/weapon_case_key"

"mouse_pressed_sound" "doors/door_lock_1.wav"

"drop_sound" "doors/handle_pushbar_locked1.wav"



Deleted strings for the untradeable collectibles - no longer support the back-end functions that are presented in TF2 for using it as a gift wrap function.

  • Location of these text strings are represented in the items_game.txt - These will be translated to other languages in future patches



"prefab" "collectible"

- "capabilities"

- {

- "can_gift_wrap" "0"

- }



"cannot trade" "1"

String erased giving the map token a tag category.

  • Location of these text strings are represented in the items_game.txt - These will be translated to other languages in future patches



"prefab" "collectible"

"item_class" "map_token"

- "item_type_name" "#CSGO_Type_MapToken"

"show_in_armory" "1"

"armory_desc" "maptoken"

Strings added suggest that a new community case or sticker set is being worked on.

  • Location of these text strings are represented in the items_game.txt - These will be translated to other languages in future patches

+ "tags"

+ {

+ "ItemSet"

+ {

+ "tag_value" "set_community_3"

+ "tag_text" "#CSGO_set_community_3"

+ "tag_group" "ItemSet"

+ "tag_group_text" "#SFUI_InvTooltip_SetTag"

+ }

+ }

Strings added for the tag category system with tool tips for each item included.

  • Location of these text strings are represented in the items_game.txt - These will be translated to other languages in future patches






"tag_value" "set_weapons_i"

"tag_text" "#CSGO_set_weapons_i"

"tag_group" "ItemSet"

"tag_group_text" "#SFUI_InvTooltip_SetTag"









"tag_value" "set_esports"

"tag_text" "#CSGO_set_esports"

"tag_group" "ItemSet"

"tag_group_text" "#SFUI_InvTooltip_SetTag"









"tag_value" "set_weapons_ii"

"tag_text" "#CSGO_set_weapons_ii"

"tag_group" "ItemSet"

"tag_group_text" "#SFUI_InvTooltip_SetTag"









"tag_value" "set_bravo_i"

"tag_text" "#CSGO_set_bravo_i"

"tag_group" "ItemSet"

"tag_group_text" "#SFUI_InvTooltip_SetTag"









"tag_value" "set_esports_ii"

"tag_text" "#CSGO_set_esports_ii"

"tag_group" "ItemSet"

"tag_group_text" "#SFUI_InvTooltip_SetTag"









"tag_value" "set_community_1"

"tag_text" "#CSGO_set_community_1"

"tag_group" "ItemSet"

"tag_group_text" "#SFUI_InvTooltip_SetTag"









"tag_value" "set_weapons_iii"

"tag_text" "#CSGO_set_weapons_iii"

"tag_group" "ItemSet"

"tag_group_text" "#SFUI_InvTooltip_SetTag"









"tag_value" "set_community_2"

"tag_text" "#CSGO_set_community_2"

"tag_group" "ItemSet"

"tag_group_text" "#SFUI_InvTooltip_SetTag"











"tag_value" "set_community_3"

"tag_text" "#CSGO_set_community_3"

"tag_group" "ItemSet"

"tag_group_text" "#SFUI_InvTooltip_SetTag"


String changes the prefab name of the community sticker 1 pack.

  • Location of these text strings are represented in the items_game.txt - These will be translated to other languages in future patches



"item_name" "CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_community01"

"item_description" "CSGO_crate_sticker_pack_community01_desc"

"name" "crate_sticker_pack_community01"

"image_inventory" "econ/weapon_cases/crate_sticker_pack_community01"

"first_sale_date" "2014/03/20"

- "prefab" "weapon_case_base"

+ "prefab" "weapon_case"


Updated and Added Models

Newly added pipe model used in the redesigns to de_overpass





CS: GO 28th May Patch –- Content Analysis
  • Details for pipeset08d_corner128l_001a.phy




"index" "0"

"name" "PipeSet08d_Corner128L_001a_physbox"

"mass" "444.000000"

"surfaceprop" "metal"

"damping" "0.000000"

"rotdamping" "0.000000"

"inertia" "1.000000"

"volume" "80323.765625"


editparams {

"rootname" ""

"totalmass" "444.000000"

"concave" "1"


Modifications to the statue base at the bomb plant in de_cobblestone.





CS: GO 28th May Patch –- Content Analysis
  • Details to the changes for bomb_site_stat_base.phy

- "mass" "105522.968750"

- "volume" "2683086.250000"


- "totalmass" "105522.968750"



+ "mass" "127112.015625"

+ "volume" "3232021.750000"


+ "totalmass" "127112.023438"


Modifications to the trim that is located on top of the stone walls in de_cobblestone.





CS: GO 28th May Patch –- Content Analysis
CS: GO 28th May Patch –- Content Analysis
  • Details to the changes for trim_d.phy

- "mass" "6915.264160"

- "volume" "175831.406250"

- "totalmass" "6915.264648"

+ "mass" "6630.771484"

+ "volume" "168597.718750"

+ "totalmass" "6630.771484"

DLL Alternations

There are changes to some of the core DLL files that run CS:GO.

  1. Client.dll
  2. Matchmaking.dll
  3. Server.dll

CS:GO Updated Schema

All the items' URL links and locations have been modified to get rid of the "\/" and replace it with "/". This is basically cleaning up the code to have the programs run at max optimization. Some internet browsers were also having issues reading the "\/" and errors were happening.

  • Example of the changed code:

- "items_game_url": "http:\/\/media.steampowered.com\/apps\/730\/scripts\/items\/

+ "items_game_url": "http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/scripts/items/

- "image_inventory": "econ\/weapons\/base_weapons\/weapon_deagle"

+ "image_inventory": "econ/weapons/base_weapons/weapon_deagle"

- "image_url": "http:\/\/media.steampowered.com\/apps\/730\/icons\/econ\/weapons\/base_weapons\/

+ "image_url": "http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/weapons/base_weapons/

More code cleaning is taking place, with the deletion of many TF2 and Dota 2 related strings, plus adding nameable string to knife and deletion to cases.

- "can_craft_mark": true,

- "can_be_restored": true,

- "strange_parts": true,

- "paintable_unusual": true,

- "autograph": true,


+ "nameable": true

+ "can_delete": true