Curse confirms Impactful as ADC for Academy team, Korea’s Keane as sub on main

Curse Academy has completed their roster with the addition of former Complexity Red ADC Joshua 'Impactful' Alan Mabrey, Curse officials confirmed to onGamers. Mabrey completes a lineup that includes jungler Brandon 'Saintvicious' DiMarco, mid-laner Zachary 'mancloud' Hoschar, support Michael 'Bunny FuFu' Kurylo, and Cristian 'Cris' Rosales on top.

Last week DiMarco confirmed that former TSM star Shan 'Chaox' Huang would not be joining the team after tryouts. DiMarco and Curse Managing Director Steve Arhancet gave their reasoning behind the decision, with Huang saying that the decision would be the 'likely be best for both parties'.

"Impactful simply was a better choice, something that was an entire team decision and conversation (including Bunny)", Arhancet said at the time.

Curse also confirmed that Korea's Lae 'Keane' Young-jang, formerly of the team's OCE squad, will be a substitute for the main Curse team. He will be joined by DiMarco, Hoschar, Kurylo, and Derek 'zig' Shao and substitutes for the main Curse team.

Curse Academy will play the NA Challenger Summer Quarterfinal against Cloud 9 Tempest on Sunday, June 8th.