FragBite’s Mikz Esports Challenge starts tomorrow

The Swedish rivarly that took place at Dreamhack Winter last year will be the match that kicks of the Mikz Esports Challenge tomorrow, as Fnatic takes on NiP. Fnatic's recent results do show that they have far more to prove than NiP, who have remained fiercely consistent and are looking like the definitive favorites for the upcoming Bo1.

Meanwhile, the two top contending teams in Dignitas and Titan will once again be able to show what their new rosters are capable of as they will be playing the second game of the day in the tournament. Much controversy surrounded Titan's separation from star player 'shox' for their former player Kenny 'KennyS' Schrub, and so far the team have shown that they are able to perform well with a 3rd place finish at the recent StarLadder. However, can they keep the consistency going?

The tournament will be concluded on the 19th of May, where both the consolidation match and grand final will be a Bo3.

Image Credit: FragBite, Mikz