Summoning Insight Episode 21 VOD, with special guest pr0lly
Episode 21 of 'Summoning Insight', a League of Legends talk show hosted by Duncan 'Thorin' Shields and Christopher 'MonteCristo' Mykles, featured special guest Neil 'PR0LLY' Hammad, Mid laner of compLexity. This episode was recorded on Tuesday the 26th of August.
The main topics were the the LCS NA playoffs, Regi's vlog about Monte and the Korean Regionals.
Time line of topics discussed:
- 01:00 Intro
- 03:08 Defining a coach and what Monte's coaching entails
- 44:10 Reginald's blog and claims
- 58:32 pr0lly questions why we care
- 1:18:35 Dig vs. TSM
- 1:23:22 Amazing
- 1:32:14 Bjergsen vs. Shiphtur
- 1:36:02 TSM's shot-calling
- 1:41:36 Dig's approach
- 1:50:15 Breaking down playoff series
- 1:54:32 Key players
- 2:28:04 TSM vs. LMQ
- 2:37:27 Amazing vs. TheOddOne
- 2:43:55 CLG vs. CRS
- 2:51:34 Voyboy
- 3:00:39 A breakdown of the games
- 3:17:00 Link
- 3:27:42 Xpecial
- 3:30:32 Zilean
- 3:37:00 Evaluating the series
- 3:40:00 Choking
- 3:53:49 CRS vs. C9
- 4:00:30 CLG vs. DIG
- 4:06:24 LPL finals
- 4:12:24 NaMei
- 4:19:06 GPL
- 4:21:35 Korean Regionals
- 4:40:05 Outro