Valve talks about their Dota 2 Virtual Reality Experience at Boston VR Bender

Valve showcased their piece of virtual reality hardware in Boston the other day at an expo dedicated solely to the technology itself and its capabilities. With the Oculus Rift having received Valve's blessing, odds are that we can't expect what Reddit user jonomf talked about yesterday to become a reality for the home audience just yet, but the possibilities that come with VR technology are extremely interesting.

"They [Valve employees] mentioned offhandedly that they have a Dota 2 VR experience where you see the entire game arena sitting on a table in front of you and can bend down to inspect any piece of the action. I really, really want to see that." Jonomf went on to also explain that the employees have experimented with a secondary view, which had them located in the lane during battles, something the men described as "very scary".

The potential something like this could have for Dota 2 in terms of analytical purposes as well as general spectating is gigantic. Having the power to view the entire playing field as a table top would make intricasies such as spotting courier snipes and following late game split-pushing a much simpler endeavour for the observers.

Photo Credit: Mark Stock